Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So, why am I doing this?

P1130937Image by Matthew Vandenbossche via FlickrHere I am looking at the half-century mark... the big five zero. So I have maybe a good couple of decades left to get things done (maybe) before I kick off. I plan to use this place to start developing my dreams for What I Would De Before I Die If I Had No Limits. (Perhaps that would be a better tag for this blog?)...

Anyway, I plan to track what I want to do and take action and get a lot of them done... or at least started :-)

I thought about how to really do this online... because I want to start with an idea and develop it as time goes on. I think I will do the exposition of ideas here and then put the development and tracking into a Wiki or something similar.

Look for more info in days to come... Right now I have to go write a note to Apple to see if they can design a phone for Boomers because we are all approaching the age (or are already there) where we need reading glasses... and things like cell phones are getting harder to use because we can't see the small numbers and print. (I stopped wearing a watch for that very reason).

Dear Steve... please consider designing a version of the iPhone with big numbers and letters so that your fellow boomers can use it. (sincerely, etc).


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